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Accelerating Innovation and Energy Savings in Order to Make Net Zero a Reality


By working together, we combine our knowledge, resources and capabilities to cultivate the future we need to transition to (and beyond) a Net Zero reality.

IGPC Ethanol Inc, installing the Whitefox ICE® membrane solution 

IGPC Ethanol Inc, installing the Whitefox ICE® membrane solution 

Whitefox Technologies is pleased to announce that BGW sp. z o. has installed Whitefox ICE®-XL technology at its 108 MLPY plant in Rąbczyn, and is producing both fuel grade ethanol and high grade ethanol through Whitefox engineering solutions. BGW is the first European Fuel Ethanol customer to install this technology, a big step for Whitefox as it continues to expand its global presence, with BGW having scaled up from their Whitefox ICE® installation in 2021.

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A Year of Whitefox – Reflecting on 2023 with Gillian Harrison

A Year of Whitefox – Reflecting on 2023 with Gillian Harrison

As I reflect on 2023, I am humbled by the great work that our team has done and the collaborative work with producers and partners to make a positive impact on improving the sustainability of ethanol and other industrial processes. We have had to navigate supply chain pressures, a buoyant labour market and increasing costs, which has not been easy and we’re grateful to our customers, and suppliers who have been understanding on project delivery challenges.

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Webinar | Ethanol for Bioplastics and SAF

Webinar | Ethanol for Bioplastics and SAF

Whitefox Webinar | Ethanol as a Building Block With Brazkem and LanzaJet  In collaboration with Biofuels Digest, our webinar explored utilising ethanol as a building block for the bioeconomy revolution. Our CEO Gillian Harrison joined by Lanzajet's Meg Whitty and...

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