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Whitefox ICE® installation at Fox River

Bolt-on membrane technology delivers energy and cooling water efficiency.

Oshkosh WI, Feb 28, 2018 – Fox River Valley Ethanol LLC completed the installation of its Whitefox ICE® bolt-on solution at its ethanol plant in Oshkosh in December and is already seeing a positive impact at the gas meter and improvements to its operations.

Neal Kemmet, Fox River President & General Manager, stated: “Following a smooth start-up of the Whitefox ICE® system in December, we immediately noticed a positive impact. Energy consumption has already reduced by around 1,100 BTU per gallon and operations have improved by removing column fluctuations, and that’s with only treating part of the regen stream. Our team seems to have got used to running with membranes with no issues. Our intention is to move to full regen treatment over time to further improve capacity, efficiency and profitability.”

Gillian Harrison, Whitefox CEO, said: “It was great working with Neal and his team. Fox River are focussed on using the latest technology to improve their plant and his team clearly thrives on improving operations. The joint efforts of Fox River, Nelson Engineering and our team, made this installation a real success. It is satisfying to know that Fox and Whitefox are making ethanol made in Wisconsin even better.”

The Whitefox ICE® installation at Fox River is the third installation in the US, with a fourth being built for United Ethanol. A Whitefox ICE® system treats existing recycle streams to free up distillation dehydration, reduce energy by 1,000-2,500 BTU per gallon, carbon emissions and cooling and increase capacity by up to 20%.

About Whitefox Technologies Limited

Established in 2000, Whitefox specializes in technology development and process integration based on its proprietary membrane solutions. Whitefox’s Integrated Cartridge Efficiency (Whitefox ICETM) is a membrane-based dehydration technology with a small footprint. Its efficient designs help reduce operation & maintenance costs by simplifying production and improve carbon intensity (CI) scores by reducing energy and water consumption in ethanol and organic chemical manufacturing processes. Whitefox provides solutions for fuel ethanol, other biofuels, and industrial alcohol production in the U.S., Canada, Europe and South America.

For further information:
Trond Heggenhougen Whitefox Technologies theggenhougen@whitefox.com +44 (0)20-7953-8408

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